Alka and Rohan get married; Rajat saves Anushka from Rajeev in Shastri Sisters
Devyaani wins the dance round over Astha and asks her to apologize. Astha tells this nicely to Shastri ji and he gets angry on Devyaani making her apologize to Astha. Rajeev comes to Alka seeing her alone. Alka is shocked seeing him. Rajeev says I came to take you from here forever. He says you are only mine. He says come with me if you care about your dad, else I will create a scene that everyone points on your dad. Alka comes to meet Rajeev and says she came here for her family, not for him. He says can’t you forgive me. She says if I forgive you, I can’t forgive myself, please go if you ever loved me. He says my dad insulted you and your dad, I will leave him. Anushka comes and sees them talking. She is shocked seeing Rajeev.
Rajeev asks Anushka not to interfere. Anushka says I heard everything, Alka does not love you now, you go from here. Rajeev says Alka loves me. They have an argument and Rajeev says he will not leave Anushka. Alka says you can abandon your family, but I can’t. Alka says I can’t go with you. Alka gets ready in bridal wear and thinks about Rajeev’s words. She cries. Alka sees Rajeev’s call and is shocked. The marriage day comes and everyone is busy in arrangements. Anushka gets Rajeev’s call and he asks about Alka. He says I will ruin Alka’s life, you did not see my daring. He says when two people love, there is much between them. I have pics and video, I will send it to Rohan and is family.
He asks her to come and meet him now. Anushka thinks she will go. Sareen and Minty take Alka to the mandap. The marriage rituals are going on. The pandit asks Alka’s parents to do kanyadaan. Shastri ji says my sister and her husband will do kanyadaan. He says my wife died long ago. Anushka comes to the temple and sees Rajeev there. Anushka comes to meet Rajeev at the temple. Rajeev gets angry on Anushka and says he will hurt her. He is about to hurt her with a knife. Rajat comes to Anushka’s rescue. ajat says I know losers like you, you try to break girl’s confidence. Rajeev asks Anushka to stop Rajat. Anushka says no, we can’t go to police. Rajat says I know its personal, but its social problem too. Anushka folds hands and requests to him. She says its my problem.
Minty is angry as Anushka is missing. She says I don’t have any hope from Devyaani, Sareen’s name will be spoiled. Rajeev bites Rajat and runs. Anushka comes back and Minty asks is your affair also started. Devyaani says she knows where was Anushka, she might have cried somewhere, missing our mum. Devyaani asks Anushka where did she go. Anushka says she went to meet Rajeev. She tells her everything. Rajat tells Anushka that Rajeev is arrested. Anushka says about Alka’s marriage. Rajat tells Anushka that he told inspector about the incident and loser Rajeev is arrested. He asks her to give her statement. She says I told you I don’t want to talk about this. She tells about Alka’s marriage.
Rajat says you can go later and give statement. She says no. He asks why do you want to save him. She says as I love him. Rajeev is shocked. Rajat leaves. Alka’s vidaai is done. Alka cries and hugs everyone. Anushka cries and keeps Alka’s milk glass at her bed. They think how they used to fight and have good bond, and miss Alka. Rajat drinks beer and Neil asks for one. Rajat says your age is to have milk. Neil insists. Rajat says fine, just one. He asks about Shastri sisters, are they dangerous. Neil says a lot, you will know soon. Rajat says lets see how is the meeting. Anushka, Devyaani and Peeya see the Lord idol and think about Alka.
They pray for Alka’s happiness. Vrinda comes and talks to Alka. Astha comes and acts sweet. Vrinda says Alka is my daughter. Astha says guests are calling Alka. Astha says don’t worry, I told everyone that your Saas ki Pitari is smaller than mine.Alka for the Pitari and does not find it. She says its nowhere, want should I do now. Vrinda knocks the door. Alka says what will I tell her now. Vrinda asks what happened. Alka says she will just come. Alka gets tensed thinking she can’t mistake on the first day, and wishes Anushka and Devyaani were here to help her. What will Alka do to manage the guests? Keep reading.