‘Friction and animosity’ to take an upper hand in &TV’s Badii Devrani

&TV’s popular show, Badii Devrani (Shashi-Sumeet Productions) will see a new drama taking shape with the real identity of Vibhor (Mudit Nayar) being Manbhari’s (Roshani Shetty) son getting exposed to Kajal (Priyanka Singh) and her mother, Bhairavi (Priyamvada Pandey).
Well, playing on this trump card, Bhairavi and Kajal will now start to brainwash Manbhari as well as Prabha (Reena Kapoor). Kajal will start instigating Manbhari to go ahead and claim before the family about her being Vibhor’s mother. They will also tell her that eventually, she will be sent out of the Poddar family, if she would not stake her claim by demanding her son back.
We hear that all this will create a friction between Manbhari and Prabha, with their differences becoming bigger with every passing day.
Meanwhile, the black magic track brought in with the entry of Bhairavi will come to an end in the next few episodes. In order to counter Bhairavi, Reeti (Megha Chakraborthy) will go to a magician and learn a few tricks. She will summon everyone in the family to witness her acts, and will indirectly tell them not to believe in such magic, as all this is nothing but a kind of science.
Now the big question will be whether the entire family will get to know of the reason between Manbhari and Prabha’s friction or not!!
We tried calling Reena Kapoor as well as Megha, but they did not revert to our calls.
Watch this space for more updates..