Vivaan – Imli to turn home ‘SERVANTS’ for Bhaiyaji in Udaan?
Ragini’s new challenge to Vivaan and Imli..
Chakor and Suraj are already victims of Bhaiyaji’s torture but now, Vivaan and Imli too seem to be on the target as Ragini poses a new challenge for the couple.
Ragini will reach the doors of Vivaan and Imli with a bag full of money and gold jewelry and will ask Vivaan to bail himself out of the molestation charge by making a deal with Pooja, the supposed victim.
But in return, she will want Vivaan and Imli to turn home servants and work for Bhaiyaji!
Even though he is much in need of money, Vivaan will refuse to accept the offer making Imli feel proud. Ragini, whose ego would be hurt, will then give the last chance to Vivaan saying that if he does not accept her proposal this time, she would not help him even in his worst hour of need.
Stay tuned for more updates.