Dance competition in &TV’s Gangaa

&TV’s Gangaa, produced by Sphereorgins, is planning some new tracks to keep the viewers glued to the story line. The upcoming track will focus on Gangaa (Ruhana Khanna) where her abilities will be put to test by her teachers. And of course, she will give her best to prove that she is talented as an individual.
Wondering how?
While Gangaa has been seen gearing up for the dance competition, she will face a number of obstacles before she would achieve her goal.
Our source informs, “The school will gear up for Annual Day celebration. However Gangaa will ask her classmates to participate with her in the dance competition but Bulbul will warn them not to do that. But fortunately Gangaa’s teacher Gunwanti will help her with the choreography.”
Will Gangaa convince her classmates to dance? Will she be able to participate in the competition?