Nagarjun Ek Yoddha is a Hindi TV serial, aired on Life OK. The story revolves around Arjun, a 20-year-old boy, who is happy with his life. In order to save his loved ones, he must unearth the deep secret related to his past.
Nagarjuna-Ek Yoddha is an Indian Hindi fantasy fiction drama television series, which premiered on 30 May 2016 and is currently airing on Life OK. The series is produced by Yash A Patnaik of Beyond Dreams Entertainment and it features Anshuman Malhotra, Nikitin Dheer and Pooja Banerjee in lead roles. The series is inspired by a reference to Naag Lok in the Mahabharata where one of the greatest warriors, Arjuna married Ulupi, a Naga princess. She was the one who saved him when he was cursed by the Vasus for killing Bhishma through foul means. The story is virtually unknown in Indian mythology but is quite interesting.
Jeet Ganguly composed the soundtrack, which have been sung by Jubin Nautiyal and Shankar Mahadevan while stunts have been designed by Amar Shetty. The show have been written by Robin Bhatt and Akash Khurana while Nitin Chandrakant Desai designed the set of the show. The show’s first look was launched in Mumbai on May 24, 2016.