Alka’s marriage functions going on well; Rajeev pops up suddenly in between in Shastri Sisters
Neil has started liking Devyaani ass their arguments have made him realize she matters to him and got a place in his heart that he sees her everywhere. Shastri ji talks to his wife’s pic. He tells about Alka’s marriage and how she used to be in her childhood. He says they all will go one by one, then I will be alone after they go. Anushka looks at him and says she will not go from this house leaving him. Rajat Sareen’s entry is shown. Rajat gets a surprise farewell party where all his colleagues congratulate him, as its his farewell. He gets transfer to Delhi. Rajat says finally I m coming home. Rajat talks to Minty.
He says mum always trouble others, who is this who is troubling her, I have to meet Shastri sisters. He says lets see what they do when squadron leader Rajat Sareen is before them, here I come. Sareen says Shastri ji to do the shagun soon. Minty says Rohan should know less about Alka. She says Rohan’s dad asked us not to let Alka and Rohan meet often. astri ji says if we have to do the marriage soon, how will we do arrangements. He asks Anushka to come as they will break the FD and call Bua to book the hall. Devyaani says the marriage will be in Delhi. Anushka says our relatives are in Kanpur, they can’t come here. Minty taunts about Rajeev. Shastri ji says we will keep marriage in Delhi.
Rohan’s dad Hari comes and keeps demand of five star wedding, which Shastri ji refuses straight. Rohan did not know about this, and apologizes to Shastri ji winning his heart. Hari gets angry on Rohan for insulting him. Rajat signs the docs and fills hostel’s room’s form, as he has some relative’s marriage, and few guests are there, he will go home after it ends. Devyaani sees Rajat as the NCC instructor of her college and is madly fallen in love with him. Devyaani says girls are practicing there in NCC, and looks so cool. I love to fly. Shastri ji comes and asks her not to join any course that can hurt her.Rajat meets Neil and asks him not to tell family about him being in Delhi.
Devyaani sees Rajat and joins NCC. Rajat makes her run. She gets tired and falls. He holds her and says well done. Devyaani blushes and is completely awestruck by him. The sisters talk about marriage. Devyaani is lost in thoughts and says she wants to invite NCC chief. Anushka and Alka come with Minty on shopping. Minty taunts Alka. Alka looks at a saree and Anushka says we will take it. Anushka calls on that number and Rajat talks to her. Anushka goes to take the phone. Anushka comes and asks for the phone. She meets Rajat and thanks him. He takes her help to decide a saree for his mum.
Anushka helps him. Devyaani impresses Rajat by her capacilities and then goes missing as she gets busy in Alka’s marriage functions. The pandit ji comes and says the mahurat coming Friday. Sareen says lets keep Rohan and Alka’s marriage. Rohan’s parents also agree. he girls dance with Minty on the song for sangeet function practice. Sareen and Shastri ji looks on. Devyaani dreams about Rajat. The marriage preparations start. Peeya says mahendi people came. Anushka talks to Alka and asks her to be happy. Neil sees Devyaani and smiles. Rohan’s bhabhi Astha and Devyaani argue on their looks and talent.
Astha says lets have a dance competition. Devyaani accepts it. They taunt each other. Pappu scolds Astha defending Devyaani. The mahendi function starts. Alka gets the mahendi applied. Pappu says no one can defeat Devyaani. Neil imagines Devyaani and says whats happening to me. Pappu comes. He says he has to practice dance with Devyaani, she is his best friend and praises her. He says its about Devyaani’s reputation. Neil agrees to help Devyaani. Alka comes to Shastri ji with tea. He says Vrinda is nice, but Astha is sharp, its good that Rohan is a nice guy. Alka thinks she is doing this for his happiness. The Sangeet function starts and the sisters dance. Rajat in the training session of NCC, sees Devyaani missing and asks her friend Rina. He says she has a spark, shown her talent and now disappointed him.
Rina calls Devyaani and says Rajat asked about her. Devyaani becomes very glad thinking he is missing her. Everyone come in the Sangeet function hall and see the good arrangements by Neil and Sareen. Sareen says we are Punjabis and can do anything for our children. Shastri ji thanks him. areen says if I give you money, then I have to give you back my shop and house. He tells everyone that whatever he is today is because of Shastri ji, no relative helped him when he needed, and it was only Shastri ji whol helped him. The dance acts are done, and Astha and Devyaani have to perform next. Who will win the challenge, Astha or Devyaani? Rajeev turns up and meets Alka. What will Rajeev do to stop this marriage? Keep reading.