A great storyline wrapped up in amazing emotions feature in Colors’ new show Udaan
Colors have come up with new show Udaan, after Madhubala Ek Ishq Ek Junoon ended. The story is set in the backdrop of the village named Aazaadganj in the year 1996. The workers are bounded by the stamps on their hands of Kamal Narayan Singh known as Bhaiya ji, who rules the village. Every worker takes breath by his permission, else he is beaten up by his Bhaiya ji’s men. Bhaiya ji is elected as the MP and has a huge celebration function organizing the MahaBhog to make the entire village have good food for a day. Kasturi and Bhuvan are a poverty struck couple. Bhuvan’s dad Harya dies and he has to donate a cow for his Mukti, as told to him by the pandit. Bhuvan and Kasturi go to Bhaiya ji to seek his help.
He asks them to give something to him in return, for the 2000 rs he will give them. Bhuvan says he does not have anything to give. Tejaswini asks Kasturi to mortgage her child in her womb, as they will make her labor for them. Manohar comes in his room and cries seeing his wife and son’s pic. The FB scene shows his wife dumping him and going to her dad’s place, and saying she won’t come back in this haveli ever. She took their son Vivaan. anjana and Vivaan come to meet them, with her dad. The servant tells this to Manohar and he gets glad. He goes to meet them. Ranjana’s dad is a minister. Bhaiya ji says she went from here six weeks before. Ranjana says what can I do if Manohar does not listen to me.
Ranjana’s dad asks Bhaiya ji to explain Manohar to respect his wife, as Ranjana is educated. Kasturi thinks about Tejaswini’s words. gets labor pains and gives birth to a baby daughter. They name her Chakor with love, and does her upbringing good. Chakor is born on Vivaan’s birthday as he turns 2 years old. Bhuvan brings Chakor to the haveli and is expecting that Bhaiya ji will give him rice bag Kastrui does some puja for Harya’s peace.She comes to know Bhuvan to Chakor to haveli and runs to save her. Bhaiya ji throws the meat for the dog, and it falls near Chakor. The dogs run for the meat and come to Chakor. Kasturi comes shouting Chakor on right time and runs to her before the dog.
Tejaswini says rules can’t be changed, but for you, I can amend it a little, you keep your daughter till she gets 7 years, you love her and then give her to us. They make the labor stamp on Chakor’s hand making her indebted to them. Manohar plays with Vivaan and brings many gifts for him. Ranjana says do you call this gifts, see this Rs 2 lakhs bracelet which my dad sent for him. Manohar says does your dad not know kids should be given kids’s gift. She argues. Tejaswini gives the land papers, of around Rs 2 crores. Ranjana says 2 crores. She takes it. Manohar says why such a big gift for Vivaan.
Bhaiya ji says whatever I have is Suraj and Vivaan’s. Chakor turns 7 year old and runs in the fields. Kasturi calls Chakor and she turns smiling. Chakor is a very smart girl, and Vivaan sees her hanging to the bus. She then sells mangoes outside his school. Her one rupee gets stuck in the bus tyre and Vivaan saves her as she is under the bus and the bus starts. Vivaan feels happy seeing her free like a bird. Chakor’s sister Imli sees the mark on Chakor’s hand and says I have not seen such mark on anyone’s hand. Chakor says I m different.Bhaiya ji goes to Vivaan’s school to make Manohar and Ranjana happy as its Vivaan’s result and birthday today. He does not see Chakor.
Kasturi is tensed as Chakor turned 7 and now Bhaiya ji will take her. Chakor brings many things for the family, and makes everyone happy. Kasturi asks how did she get this in 1 rs, did she steal. Imli says she sold raw mangoes outside the school. Chakor tells them everything how she earned money. Everyone praise Chakor and says you are lucky to have such daughter. Chakor says its my 7th birthday, so I got this for everyone. Kasturi says its 6th one. Kasturi makes thread and beads necklace with 6 beads for her 6th birthday. Imli and Chakor kiss Kasturi and hugs her. Kasturi and Chakor light the diya and prays.
Chakor asks Kasturi to tell her wish and she will fulfill it. Kasturi shows her a flying bird near the moon. Chakor says she will get the moon to herself if she can’t go to the moon. She lights the diya. The air blows and the diya is getting blown off, but Chakor protects it by her hands. Chakor gets the Lord’s blessings and everyone is happy. The ladies tell that Chakor has to go now, as she is 7years old. Chakor asks Kasturi where she has to go. Kasturi gets tensed and thinks what to say Chakor now. Will the small Chakor understand her parents’ trauma and go to lead a slave’s life? Keep reading.